
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Montag's Key to Freedom

Author's Note: This is a cause/effect piece on Guy Montag from Fahrenheit 451. It is a spoiler.

Montag’s Key to Freedom
                In the book Fahrenheit 451 by: Ray Bradbury, a 30 year old firefighter lives in a society where books are outlawed. Guy Montag experiences the cause of the climax of the book and his life when he sees a woman getting burned in a fire that was meant to burn her books. The effect is that Montag realizes that me must find out what makes books so special, so he steals some books from the old lady’s house. When Montag is safe at home he starts to read the books and he learns the wonderful secrets that they hold, but when he goes to visit an old friend, the government begins to chase after him. Montag survives the chase and meets a group of men who have each memorized an individual book and one day hope to reprint them for the whole world to enjoy.
                If Guy had not realized that he needed to help save the society from the government then everyone in the city would have lost sight of what was important. Additionally, the government would have them thinking the craziest thoughts. Guy also would not have made the same friends that he did. He would have still been a lonely firefighter his whole life.
                The events in Fahrenheit 451 are similar to the events in Alex Rider: Stormbreaker. In Alex Rider Stormbreaker, Alex realizes that he has to change his frame of mind so that he can find out what happened to his parents. Alex understands that he has to help the MI6 so he can have the information he needs. Alex changed just like Guy in the sense that they both knew that they had to change so they could do what was right. Both of these characters reflect each other in few but important ways.

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